Love, Joy, Peace...
Use this form to update contact information and connect with a pastor or ministry at 242. Providing a home address helps us when it's time to send tax documents.
Name (Required)
Email Address (Required)
Your Phone Number
Used to send text updates or notifications from 242 ,
Your Address
Spouse's Email:
Spouse's Phone:
Name(s)/Birthdate(s) of Children Living at Home:
I'd like to...
Let us know if you made a decision today or if you want us to follow-up with you.
speak with a pastor.
commit my life to Jesus.
be baptized.
renew my commitment to Christ.
join a small group.
talk to someone about joining a serve team.
My association with 242 Ministries:
Out of Town Visitor
First Time Local Guest
Returning Guest
242 is my church home
Questions? Comments?