Love, Joy, Peace...
Name: (Required)
Your Phone Number (Required)
Email (please share if you have one):
Contact me with more information about serving in the following areas (check all that apply):
242 Kids: Nursery
242 Kids: Teacher (grades pre K - 5)
242 Kids: Classroom Helper
242 Kids: Help with check-in
242 Kids: Prep materials for Sunday
242 Student Ministry (grades 6-12)
First Impressions: Greeter
First Impressions: Info Hub
First Impressions: Parking Lot Ministry
First Impressions: Visitor Follow Up
Hospitality: Prepare/ Host Coffee & Refreshments
Hospitality: Provide Occasional Refreshments
Hospitality: Events Team
Care Ministry: Care Meals, Calls, Notes
Small Groups/Bible Studies: Facilitate
Small Groups/Bible Studies: Host
Shared Table Dinners Small Group Host
242 Women: Host a Group
242 Women: Facilitate a Group
242 Men: Host a Group
242 Men: Facilitate a Group
Creative Arts - Sunday Audio Visual, Lights & Tech
Creative Arts: Photography or Videography
Communication: Website Updates
Communication: Social Media
Communication: Digital Newsletter
Communication: Print Media
Missions/Outreach: Boys & Girls Club/Local Schools
Missions/Outreach - Community Serve Days
Missions/Outreach: Holiday Outreach
Missions/Outreach: International
Missions/Outreach: Jail Ministry Needs
Missions/Outreach: Local Nursing Homes
Administration: database, office skills, bookkeeping, accounting
Facilities Team
Communion Team
Usher Team
I have the following skills or hobbies to share with 242 Ministries;
Computer - Network
Database Management
Other skills or hobbies: